State Management In React with Redux
Redux is widely used and has a large ecosystem of libraries and tools that can help you build better applications. and it’s a powerful tool for managing the state of JavaScript applications.Redux also has a powerful middleware system that allows you to perform additional logic before or after an action is dispatched,
React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows different companies like Scrrum Labs to build reusable components that can be easily composed to create complex UI. In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through the process of building your first React app.
State management is a crucial aspect of building complex and scalable applications, and one of the most popular libraries for managing state in JavaScript applications is Redux.
Redux is a library that allows you to manage the state of your application in a centralized and predictable way. It is particularly useful for managing the state of large and complex applications.
The core concept of Redux is the store. The store is an object that holds the state of your application, and it is the only place where the state can be updated. The store is created by passing a reducer function to the createStore function. The reducer function takes the current state and an action as arguments, and returns the next state.
Here is an example of a simple Redux implementation in JavaScript:
// Define the initial state of the application
const initialState = { count: 0 };
// Define the reducer function
function reducer(state = initialState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return { count: state.count + 1 };
return { count: state.count - 1 };
return state;
}// Create the store
import { createStore } from 'redux';
const store = createStore(reducer);// Dispatch an action to increment the count
store.dispatch({ type: 'INCREMENT' });// Get the current state from the store
console.log(store.getState()); // { count: 1 }
In this example, we define an initial state with a count of 0. We then define a reducer function that takes the current state and an action as arguments. The reducer function uses a switch statement to determine which action to perform based on the action’s type. In this case, we have two actions: “INCREMENT” and “DECREMENT”.
We then create the store by passing the reducer function to the createStore function. After that, we dispatch an action of type ‘INCREMENT’ and we can see that the current state is updated to { count: 1 }
Reducer Functions
Redux also provides a way to split your reducer function into smaller functions called “reducer” functions. This way, you can organize your code better and make it more maintainable. Each reducer function is responsible for managing a specific slice of the state.
In Redux, the reducer function is a pure function that takes the current state and an action as arguments, and returns the next state of the application. The reducer function is responsible for updating the state based on the action that was dispatched.
function reducer(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'ACTION_TYPE_1':
// perform some logic and return the new state
return newState;
case 'ACTION_TYPE_2':
// perform some logic and return the new state
return newState;
// if no action type match return the current state
return state;
Redux also provides a way to middleware, which allows you to perform additional logic before or after an action is dispatched. This can be useful for things like logging, or for handling asynchronous actions.
In addition to its core features, Redux has a large ecosystem of libraries and tools that can help you build better applications. For example, the react-redux library provides a way to connect React components to the Redux store, and the redux-thunk library provides a way to handle asynchronous actions.
A Example of Redux Thunk
function fetchData() {
return function(dispatch) {
// Dispatch a "loading" action before the API call
dispatch({ type: 'LOADING' });
// Perform the API call
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
// Dispatch an "success" action with the data
dispatch({ type: 'FETCH_SUCCESS', payload: data });
.catch(error => {
// Dispatch an "error" action with the error
dispatch({ type: 'FETCH_ERROR', payload: error });
In this example, the fetchData action creator returns a function that takes the dispatch function as an argument. This function is then invoked by the Redux Thunk middleware, which gives you the ability to dispatch actions as the response from the API call is received.
To use Redux Thunk, you need to apply it to the store when creating it. You can do this by using the applyMiddleware function from the redux library and passing in the thunk middleware:
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
const store = createStore(reducer, applyMiddleware(thunk));
In summary, Redux is a powerful library for managing the state of JavaScript applications. It allows you to keep the state in a centralized and predictable place, and it provides a way to organize your code and perform additional logic. With the help of its ecosystem of libraries and tools, you can build robust and scalable applications.